redevelopment businessの例文
b2b business to business
B2b business to business

business and business people
As an active business chamber, the council provides a forum for Malaysian and Australian linked businesses and business people. It also seems that Watkins disliked the process of raising f......

business is business
Business is business, politics is politics, and never the twain shall meet. Business is business, and my duty is to run a profitable store. I wish he could have done it here, but business ......

business neglected is business lost
Business neglected is business lost

business to business
This may vary from business to business, and may change over time. The details provided in a business directory varies from business to business. "It's a business to business issue and is ......

Though his manner was less satisfied than hi words . a matter of business . regard it as a matter o - business - business that must be done

Module 2 : business - to - business e - procurement Public versus private models for business - to - business integration So how does conversion apply to business - to - business seo Keywo......

business-to-business advertising
Business - to - business advertising

business-to-business agency
Business - to - business agency

business-to-business e-commerce
The focus of this project is on assessing the dynamics and impacts of business - to - business e - commerce at a sectoral level using a common methodology In the end , this thesis introduc......

every business is a growth business
From 1993 to 1997, annual sales grew 42 percent to $ 6.4 billion and profits rose 130 percent to $ 515 million, according to a book that describes Burnham's experience, " Every Business is......

semantics of business vocabulary and business rules
Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules ( SBVR ) and KDM are designed as two parts of a unique OMG Technology Stack for software analytics related to existing software systems.......

the business of america is business
Calvin Coolidge once said that the business of America is business. "The business of America is business, " proclaimed President Coolidge. Calvin Coolidge once famously observed that " the......

adelaide station and environs redevelopment
The convention centre was constructed over part of the Adelaide railway station, together with the Hyatt Regency Hotel ( now the InterContinental Hotel ), Exhibition Hall and an office blo......

area redevelopment administration
A $ 50, 000 grant from the federal Area Redevelopment Administration to the CSM was arranged in March 1964 to fund AV activities during the rest of the year. The Public Works and Economic ......

area redevelopment plan
The community has an area redevelopment plan in place. The community has an Area redevelopment plan in place. Business Revitalization Zone and the communities of Hillhurst and Sunnyside ha......

area redevelopment program
This is part of the Airport's $ 50M Terminal Area Redevelopment Program.

boston redevelopment authority
Boston Redevelopment Authority officials signed off on an insider condo deal. Both projects are under review at the Boston Redevelopment Authority. The project was sponsored by the Boston ......

community redevelopment agency
The plan is before Boca Raton's Community Redevelopment Agency. The project is being funded by the Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency. To the rescue came the Los Angeles Community ......

comprehensive redevelopment
Comprehensive redevelopment of the area was agreed in 1960, to a plan by baths. A comprehensive Redevelopment Study for the Wilmington Air Park was completed in December 2011. A comprehens......

comprehensive redevelopment area
This replaced an area cleared as slum housing as part of a Comprehensive Redevelopment Area designated by the Council.

comprehensive redevelopment programme
The estate was listed in the Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme in 1988 that planned for the redevelopment of the Housing Authority's older estates.

east perth redevelopment authority
In 2009 the East Perth Redevelopment Authority was involved in redeveloping six properties on the eastern side of William Street, between Roe and Newcastle Streets. As part of the redevelo......

extended redevelopment programme
Extended redevelopment programme erp Erp extended redevelopment programme Extended redevelopment programme

fifth ward community redevelopment corporation
Kathy Flanagan-Payton, president of the Fifth Ward Community Redevelopment Corporation, said the property will be included in a Fifth Ward master plan. One of them, the Fifth Ward Communit......